National Autonomous University of Mexico is a Coyoacán-based organization founded in 1551.
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, often abbreviated as UNAM) is a public educational institute founded in 1551. It is located in Coyoacán within Mexico City, Mexico. The university has subsidiaries, such as Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola and Museo Universitario del Chopo.
UNAM is accredited by the Secretariat of Public Education of Mexico, and it is affiliated with various national and international organizations, such as the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, the International Forum of Public Universities, the Open Education Consortium, and the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior.
The university's motto is "Por mi raza hablará el espíritu" (For my race, the spirit will speak). Emphasizing education, higher education, and university as its primary focus, UNAM falls under the industries of education, higher education, and university.