Meme Factory is a decentralized marketplace to create and trade digital assets on the district0x network.
Meme factory allows users to create their own tokenized memes and sell them. The tokenizing and posting of memes to Meme Factory resembles the creation and posting of posts on RedditReddit. When a meme is tokenized it is minted through a process similar to upvoting. The number of existing tokens for a particular meme at any time act as the ranking mechanism, and represent the number of 'upvotes' a meme has received on the platform. Meme Factory uses a curation market model that utilizes a scaling pricing curve to determine the cost of minting and redemption rates of memes on their platform.
The Meme Factory is an online decentralized marketplace for the creation and trade of digital assets that was founded in 2017 by Joe Urgo, Matus Lestan, and Alexander Khoriaty. The Meme Factory is part of the district0x network that is built on the Ethereum blockchain.
Meme factory allows users to create their own tokenized memes and sell them. The tokenizing and posting of memes to Meme Factory resembles the creation and posting of posts on Reddit. When a meme is tokenized it is minted through a process similar to upvoting. The number of existing tokens for a particular meme at any time act as the ranking mechanism, and represent the number of 'upvotes' a meme has received on the platform. Meme Factory uses a curation market model that utilizes a scaling pricing curve to determine the cost of minting and redemption rates of memes on their platform.
Meme Factory is a decentralized marketplace to create and trade digital assets on the district0x network.
Meme Factory is a decentralized marketplace to create and trade digital assets on the district0x network.