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A strategic role in the Maxxium Russia portfolio is assigned to elite alcoholic beverages that have gained popularity among consumers around the world, such as: The Macallan, Сourvoisier, Jim Beam. At the same time, the company is successfully developing well-known brands in the premium segment in Russia: The Famous Grouse, Maker's Mark, Highland Park and Auchentoshan; and contemporary brands such as: Sipsmith, Naked Grouse, Brugal and Sauza.
The shareholders' offices located in Scotland and the USA pay great attention to business development in Russia. For example, Maxxium Russia became the second company in Russia to obtain a license for the wholesale trade of finished alcoholic products in July 1995. Since the beginning of the company's work on the Russian market, sales growth has been observed every year, outstripping the growth of the market.