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Marnotaur enables the most important liquidity transactions in the DeFi system.
Leveraged Trading
Marnotaur technology can be used both in order books and for exchange on decentralized exchanges, and also provides 5x leveraged long-term or short-term trades on assets.
This technology is one of the pillars of DeFi's success in the fight to overcome management based on centralized solutions. Leveraged non-custodial trading is an evolving benefit of Marnotaur.
Leveraged Farming
Farming has become an established form of acquiring both traders and liquidity. Marnotaur makes sure that campaigns stay true to the spirit of decentralization.
The protocol provides liquidity farmers with under-collateralized access, helping them farm with multiplied wealth and allowing everyone to trade like a whale.
Maximum Leverage
Marnotaur offers the retail market and similar developers easy-to-apply instant loans.
Earn profits from arbitrage, win debt liquidation auctions and repay outstanding loans with high efficiency.
Profitable Liquidity Services
Trading: Leveraged trades cost 5 basis points (0.05%).
Farming: Leveraged farming will incur a fee on the farming reward generated by the reserve margin.
Instant Loans: A 25 basis point fee applies to instant loans.