MaVR is an agro-industrial company.
Agro-industrial company
Agro-industrial company MaVR is the largest processor of agricultural products and a food manufacturer in the south of Siberia. The products of the Agro-Industrial Company are canned meat and meat and vegetable products, sausages, meat delicacies, semi-finished products, as well as grain processing products - flour, cereals, etc.
The MaVR company monthly produces 1200 tons of sausages, 300 tons of semi-finished products and 24 railway cars of stewed beef. "Beef stew" is the pride of the company.
LLC APK "MaVR" was established in 1992 as an individual private enterprise in the city of Chernogorsk. Subsequently, the property complex of the meat-packing plant "Abakansky" in the city of Abakan was redeemed at auction in bankruptcy proceedings. Thanks to the skillful and coordinated actions of a team of young, but quite experienced managers of the MaVR company, the company managed to firmly gain a foothold in the market in the new economic conditions. As a result of an active marketing policy, an effective own sales network and a network of product distributors in the territory of Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were created, the supply system was optimized, the range of products was significantly expanded, taking into account the wishes of consumers. The outdated equipment was modernized and the latest modern equipment was purchased.
Today Agro-industrial company "MAVR" is a stable production, introducing the latest modern achievements in the production of meat products. The company is the undisputed leader both in the market of the Republic of Khakassia and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In many ways, the success of the company is facilitated by the training of young staff, which makes them the strongest specialists in the future. The management of APK MaVR considers the implementation of a correct personnel policy to be one of the main priorities: the main valuable asset is the labor team with its skill and professional skills.
The company's staff is 3 thousand people. The enterprise actively renders gratuitous assistance to simply needy people, various organizations of the republic; is a sponsor of cultural, social, sports and other events held by the administrations of the cities of the republic.
GRU "State factory stable "Khakasska" is constantly supported, constant assistance is provided to the "School of Martial Arts" under the Federation of Martial Arts of the Republic of Khakassia to organize the departure of pupils of the school to various competitions at the regional, Russian and international levels. Assistance is also provided to the families of military personnel living in the city of Abakan. Interaction and financial support of the charitable foundation "New Life" is carried out. MaVR Company actively promotes various children's, social and other events held by the Ministries of the Republic (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Culture, etc.). For 5 years APK MaVR has been the general sponsor of the Miss Khakassia Beauty Contests. The company's budget annually includes funds for charitable events.
The products of the Agro-Industrial Company "MAVR" have repeatedly been the winner of exhibitions among the enterprises of the food and processing industry, they were awarded with certificates, diplomas, medals.
The enterprise has been working with the state reserve for fifteen years, has a state order, and has not a single comment. According to the results of the 5th International Forum "Meat Industry" (May 2006, Moscow), the Agro-Industrial Company "MaVR" was named the most reliable and impeccable supplier of RosReserve of the Russian Federation.
In 2006 the company implemented and certified the Quality Management System for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 - 2001. GOST R ISO 9001:2000 (ISO 9001:2000) is a standard that establishes requirements for quality systems used for contracting, certification and audit . It is recognized in 150 countries, which makes it possible for enterprises that own it to become full participants in the world market. Agro-industrial company MaVR LLC became the first food industry enterprise in the Republic of Khakassia to receive a certificate of conformity. The presence of such a document means and guarantees, on the one hand, a consistently high quality of products, on the other hand, it allows the company to reach a higher level of work, including the development of international markets.
mavr_recordIn 2007 the agro - industrial company MaVR set a world record . 22,005 cans of stew, which has already become doubly legendary, were built into a huge pyramid by students of Krasnoyarsk universities in just 20 minutes and 20 seconds. Recall that in order to register this significant event in the world “Guinness Book of Records”, students had to keep within 25 minutes. But the training was not in vain, with the loud support of the audience, the team of "pyramid builders" managed not only to set a record, but also to improve the declared time. Representatives of Guinness World Records solemnly registered the record.
In 2009, the company's management decided to implement and certify the HACCP system at APK MaVR LLC.
The first step was to analyze the readiness of the enterprise to implement the HACCP system. The analysis was carried out by specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of Meat Industry named after V.I. Gorbatov and became the starting point on the way to the implementation of the HACCP system. During the first year, intensive preparatory work was carried out: from the restructuring of production facilities, the development of documentation to the training of all personnel. At the time of obtaining the HACCP system certificate, the company had been working in accordance with the principles of HACCP for half a year.
Agro-industrial company