Company developing an AI-based system to assess and manage chronic wounds.
Company developing an AI-based system to assess and manage chronic wounds.
Company developing an AI-based system to assess and manage chronic wounds.
The KroniKare system is claimed to help early detection of complications like infection, undermining and problems with circulation. Artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence and thermal imaging are used in their system which automates the assessment and management of chronic wounds. KroniKare is developing a mobile phone app that patients can use to make a five second video of their wounds. The wounds are analysed by the app in 30 seconds.
The KroniKare system is claimed to help early detection of complications like infection, undermining and problems with circulation. Artificial intelligence and thermal imaging are used in their system which automates the assessment and management of chronic wounds. KroniKare is developing a mobile phone app that patients can use to make a five second video of their wounds. The wounds are analysed by the app in 30 seconds.
Founder Hossein Nejati specialized in machine learning as a post-doctoral researcher at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Their technology is claimed to be 80% as accurate as the head nurse at a Singapore hospital that it is benchmarked against.
Company developing an AI-based system to assess and manage chronic wounds.
The KroniKare system is claimed to help early detection of complications like infection, undermining and problems with circulation. Artificial intelligence and thermal imaging are used in their system which automates the assessment and management of chronic wounds.
KroniKare was born when Nejati was asked by one of the nurses at a local community hospital to build a system to help them handle wound patients. KroniKare has a mobile application for patients and a back-end dashboard for nurses. The system can estimate the size and depth of a wound to 1mm from a 5 second video. It can also assess the surrounding tissues and scan for complications.
Company developing an AI-based system to assess and manage chronic wounds.