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The Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente is an education and research establishment in the field of geo-information science and earth observation. It is an international knowledge hub in geospatial sciences, with an emphasis on collaborative educational and research activities in geo-information science and earth observation. The organization's focus is on fundamental and problem-solving research, with an eye to those complex global challenges requiring spatial information like claims for sufficient and secure food, water, energy, health, land, and housing provision.
ITC has a selection of courses in its degree, diploma, and certificate program in geo-information science and earth observation:
- Two-year Master's (MSc) program
- Bachelor's program
- Three-year educational program
- Postgraduate diploma
- One-year program (60 credits)
- Short courses varying in duration (5, 10 or 15 credits)
- Online courses varying in duration (5, 15 or 120 credits)
- Joint programs: Courses offered jointly by higher education institutes from around the world
ITC offers a variety of alumni services and benefits:
- Library services
- Alumni email account: This enables alumni stay in touch with ITC and fellow alumni
- Diploma transcript
- ILWIS: A remote sensing and GIS software developed by ITC and released in 2005.
- Statement: Recognition of degrees
- Alumni statement
- ESRI software donation: Under an agreement between Faculty ITC and ESRI Redlands USA, full-time and sandwich (double) PhD researchers, including students following a Master of Science, Master, Postgraduate Diploma or Diploma Course, graduated after 2000, are entitled to receive free ESRI ArcGIS software at the time of graduation.
- Geospatial Computing Platform: The Geospatial Computing Platform is a cloud-based 24/7 service provided by the Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science
- Certificate of conduct (VOG)
- Diploma legalization