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HyperJet Fusion Corporation is developing a Plasma-Jet driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion (PJMIF) approach to produce fusion energy. It uses a plasma liner (formed by a spherical array of plasma jets) that implodes and ignites a magnetized target plasma. Coaxial plasma guns combined with contour shaped electrodes launch the plasma jets, unlike using lasers these do not require complex and expensive optics or ultra-fast pulsed power technology.
The companies fusion reactor concept aims to be low cost, less complex, extremely robust with a reasonable research and development timeline. The hyperjet fusion open geometry and moderate reactor size allow for convenient and relatively low-cost diagnostic access.
HyperJet's plasma guns also have promising applications in the fields of precision metallic powder production, thermal spray, spacecraft propulsion, and high energy density plasma (HEDP) research.
HyperJet Fusion Corporation was established in May of 2017, following a merger with HyperV Technologies Corp. of Chantilly, Virginia U.S.A. The company has inherited all the facilities, equipment and personnel developed by HyperV Technologies for PJMIF. They have nearly $28 million in funding from the US government through NASA, DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), and ARPA-E. HyperJet Fusion builds on research conducted at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and HyperV Technologies Corp.