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Gosuslugi is a federal state information system in the Russian Federation. It provides citizens, entrepreneurs and legal entities with access to information about state and municipal institutions and the electronic services they provide.
The Gosuslugi portal contains reference information for individuals and legal entities on the procedure for the provision of public services, including in electronic form, a search is organized by subject, department, life situation, sample documents are presented, links to services of state institutions and departments.
The personal account of the stores all information on ordered services, appeals, payments. Through the Personal Account, you can set up notifications, monitor the progress of consideration of applications and the status of payments.
Registration on
Registration is a three-step process. Already at the first stage, a person can use the portal, but the range of services will be limited. To get full access to the services, the user needs to verify his identity.
- Step 1: you need to provide a name and contacts
- Step 2: you need to indicate the SNILS (the unique number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system), enter the passport data
- Step 3: Verify your identity
Creation of the portal "Gosuslugi".
In October 2009, the government of the Russian Federation approved a plan for the transition of public services to an electronic format, and on November 25, 2009, a test launch of the portal took place. The Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation announced the project launched on 15 December.
Number of users and completed services.
Gosuslugi in numbers for 2020. During the year, citizens ordered 228 million services at the State Services and made 78 million payments in the amount of 76 billion rubles. By the end of the year, there were 126 million registered users on the State Services, of which 24 million joined this year alone.