Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer.
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer. The company was cofounded in November 2018 by industry veterans Patrick Söderlund (the previous head of DICE, Patrickgame Cederlunddevelopment company), Magnus Nordin, Rob Runesson, Stefan Strandberg, Jenny Huldschiner, and Johan Andersson.
Some of Embark's projects include Project DiscoveryProject Discovery; The FinalsThe Finals, a first-person shooter game enabling players to fight alongside their teammates in virtual arenas that they can alter, exploit, and destroy; ARC RaidersARC Raiders, a cooperative third-person shooter where a player and their squad of Raiders work to resist the onslaught of ARC – aARC—a mechanized threat descending from space.
Through Embark's Creative Play project, the company is building a community for play and creation, that has engagement loops that encourage people to share and collaborate. In 2023, Embark Studios was criticized for using Artificialartificial Intelligence-generatedintelligence-generated voice lines rather than hiring actors.
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer. The company was co-foundedcofounded in November 2018 by the previous head of DICE, Patrick Cederlund, Magnus Nordin, Rob Runesson, Stefan Strandberg, Jenny Huldschiner, and Johan Andersson.
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer. The company was foundedco-founded in November 2018 by the previous head of DICE, Patrick Cederlund. Embark Studios was founded in November 2018, by Magnus Nordin, Rob Runesson, Stefan Strandberg, Patrick Söderlund, Jenny Huldschiner and Johan Andersson.
Some of Embark's projects include Project Discovery; The Finals, a first-person shooter game enabling players to fight alongside their teammates in virtual arenas that they can alter, exploit, and destroy; ARC Raiders, a cooperative third-person shooter where a player and their squad of Raiders work to resist the onslaught of ARC – a mechanized threat descending from space.
Through Embark's Creative Play project, the company is building a community for play and creation, that has engagement loops that encourage people to share and collaborate. In 2023, Embark Studios was criticized for using Artificial Intelligence-generated voice lines rather than hiring actors.
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer. The company was founded by the previous head of DICE, Patrick Cederlund. Embark Studios was founded in November 2018, by Magnus Nordin, Rob Runesson, Stefan Strandberg, Patrick Söderlund, Jenny Huldschiner and Johan Andersson.
Swedish video game developer, founded by the former head of DICE, Patrick Cederlund
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer.
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer. The company was founded by the previous head of DICE, Patrick Cederlund. Embark Studios was founded in November 2018, by Magnus Nordin, Rob Runesson, Stefan Strandberg, Patrick Söderlund, Jenny Huldschiner and Johan Andersson.
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer.
Swedish video game developer, founded by the former head of DICE, Patrick Cederlund
Embark Studios is a Swedish video game developer.