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Deliq Finance (DLQ) - a protocol for providing liquidity to other projects, such as Pangolin; Joe Trader.
Tokenomics and roadmap:
According to tokenomics, it becomes clear that they decided not just to allocate tokens for liquidity and go this way, in turn, they gave 30% of tokens for reward incentive, thus they will use the concept of Liquidity by Staking (much will rest on staking and ROI from this activities). 12.3% went into reserves, they did it in order to use them later if there is an increase in costs in any of the areas. Everything else was evenly distributed among other areas. Vesting and roadmap norms.
Investors and partners:
Colony Labs; OIG; 7o Clock Capital; Jin Capital; Ex Network; Shima Capital; Farid (Avalanche Labs); ZBS; Oasis etc