A decentralized cryptocurrency exchange is an exchange market that utilizes blockchain or another decentralized technology to enable peer to peer transfer of digital assets without reliance on a trusted third party to hold funds.
ManyEtherDelta was the first known decentralized exchange. Since then many decentralized exchanges have launched and are in active development however centralized exchanges are still responsible for a majority of cryptocurrency transactions. A variety of protocols intended to develop standards for interoperability for decentralized exchanges such as 0x are being developed.
Most common type of decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Started from Nick Johnson's proposal enhanced by Vitalik Buterin in his discord post and blog post and later implemented by Hayden Adams and Karl Floersch in their Uniswap Protocol. Most of the common popular DEXes including PancakeSwap, 1inch and SushiSwap use this model in their foundation.
Atomic swaps allow users to directly transact with one another peer to peer while bypassing even decentralized exchanges. The first atomic swapatomic swap between Bitcoin and Litecoin was performed by Litecoin creator Charlie Lee on Sep 22, 2017.
Atomic swapsAtomic swaps allow users to directly transact with one another peer to peer while bypassing even decentralized exchanges. The first atomic swap between Bitcoin and Litecoin was performed by Litecoin creator Charlie Lee on Sep 22, 2017.