Blizz Finance is a decentralized, non-custodial liquidity market protocol operating on Avalanche.
Blizz Finance was a decentralized, non-custodial liquidity market protocol that enabled users to act as depositors or borrowers. The company had social media presence starting in 2021, but by May 2022, it ceased to exist due to hackers accessing Chainlink and draining funds.
Blizz Finance operated on Avalanche and provided benefits to both depositors and borrowers on the protocol. Depositors could earn a passive income by providing liquidity to the market, and borrowers had the freedom to choose if they wanted to borrow in an overcollateralized or undercollateralized manner.
May 2022
Blizz Finance was a decentalizeddecentralized, non-custodial liquidity market protocol that enabled users to act as depositors or borrowers. ItThe company had social media presence starting in 2021 but by May 2022, it ceased to exist due to hackers operatedaccessing onChainlink and Avalanchedraining funds.
Blizz Finance operated on Avalanche and provided benefits to both depositors and borrowers on the protocol. Depositors could earn a passive income by providing liquidity to the market and borrowers had the freedom to choose if they wanted to borrow in an overcollateralized or undercollateralized manner.
Blizz Finance was a decentalized, non-custodial liquidity market protocol that enabled users to act as depositors or borrowers. It operated on Avalanche.
Blizz is a decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralised (perpetually) or undercollateralised (one-block liquidity) fashion.
Blizz Finance is a lending and borrowing market on Avalanche based on one of the largest DeFi protocol: AAVE.
AAVE has grown to become one of the most respected and secure protocols in the space but Blizz wants to do things differently. The Blizz protocol has no governance and no VCs, instead it features a revenue earning token sharing platform fees between token holders and liquidity providers. The protocol will always be permissionless for everyone to use on the same basis.
50% of the revenue generated through borrowing is distributed directly to users who stake BLZZ. Both lenders and borrowers receive BLZZ rewards to incentivize protocol use.
BLZZ liquidity mining employs a mechanism first introduced by Ellipsis Finance on BSC. Rewards are vested for 3 months, but may be claimed immediately for a 50% penalty. The penalty is then distributed to users who choose to lock BLZZ for 3 months. This mechanism ensures steady rewards for those who actively commit to the protocol by locking their tokens.
BLZZ stakers receive protocol fees, BLZZ lockers receive protocol fees as well as exit penalties from users who exit their vests early.
BLZZ has a total supply of 1,000,000,000.
50% given as incentives for lenders and borrowers, released over a period of five years
20% given as incentives for BLZZ/AVAX on TraderJoe liquidity providers, released over a period of five years
10% allocated for airdrops and incentives to related DeFi communities, happening over a minimum of one year (including Curve gauge bribes and the initial GEIST airdrop)
15% to the team, released linearly over one year
5% treasury
Blizz is a lending market based on AAVE v2. On Blizz, stakers and lockers share 50% of the protocol revenue. Blizz is a native Avalanche protocol, its entire supply will be distributed to users of the protocol through liquidity mining. Much like Geist, half of Blizz protocol revenue will be shared with token holders.
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 50% given as incentives for lenders and borrowers, released over a period of five years 20% given as incentives for BLZZ/AVAX on TraderJoe liquidity providers, released over a period of five years 10% allocated for airdrops and incentives to related DeFi communities, happening over a minimum of one year (including Curve gauge incentives and the initial GEIST airdrop) 15% to the team, released linearly over one year 5% treasury
10% allocated for airdrops and incentives to related DeFi communities, happening over a minimum of one year (including Curve gauge bribes and the initial GEIST airdrop)
Utility: staking and locking
10% allocated for airdrops and incentives to related DeFi communities, happening over a minimum of one year (including Curve gauge bribes and the initial GEIST airdrop)
Blizz is a lending market based on AAVE v2. On Blizz, stakers and lockers share 50% of the protocol revenue. Blizz is a native Avalanche protocol, its entire supply will be distributed to users of the protocol through liquidity mining. Much like Geist, half of Blizz protocol revenue will be shared with token holders.
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 50% given as incentives for lenders and borrowers, released over a period of five years 20% given as incentives for BLZZ/AVAX on TraderJoe liquidity providers, released over a period of five years 10% allocated for airdrops and incentives to related DeFi communities, happening over a minimum of one year (including Curve gauge incentives and the initial GEIST airdrop) 15% to the team, released linearly over one year 5% treasury