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Mogilev Dairy Plant (MMK) was built in 1979 to process raw materials (milk) in the region and produce the main types of dairy products.
By the decision of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee No. 15-6 dated September 28, 1995, it was transformed into an open joint-stock company "Mogilev Dairy Plant".
By the decision of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee No. 5-12 dated March 14, 2006, OJSC "Mogilev Dairy Plant" was renamed into Open Joint Stock Company "Babushkina Krynka".
By the decision of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on December 7, 2012, Minutes No. 69, JSC "Babushkina Krynka" is the legal successor and renamed the Open Joint Stock Company "Babushkina Krynka" - the management company of the holding Mogilev Dairy Company "Babushkina Krynka" (hereinafter - OJSC "Babushkina Krynka" ”) and registered on December 13, 2012 in the Administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Mogilev.
JSC "Babushkina Krynka" includes the following branches and production workshops: a cheese production shop (Belynichi), a branch "Bykhovsky", a branch "Slavgorodsky", a branch "Bobruysky", a branch "Mstislavsky", a branch "Osipovichsky", Kirovsky Branch, Dribinsky Branch, Krichevsky Branch, Kruglyansky Branch, Krasnopolsky Branch, Kostyukovichsky Branch, Glussky Branch, Klichevsky Branch, Chaussky Production Shop, Klimovichsky Branch .
Currently JSC "Babushkina Krynka" is one of the largest producers of natural dairy products in the Republic of Belarus. The production capacities of the organization allow processing up to 3000 tons of milk per day. The raw material zone covers 18 out of 21 districts of the Mogilev region. Constant work to improve the quality of purchased milk, the strictest control over the quality of supplies and materials used, strict compliance technological regimes and control over the sanitary condition of workshops and sites, the skillful hands of professional specialists - all this allowed Babushkina Krynka JSC to become the undisputed leader of the dairy industry, actively competing in the domestic and foreign markets.