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Baker Hughes is an American transnational corporation that provides solutions in the field of energy and industry around the world. The list of services of the company includes drilling, assessment of stocks, deposits, etc. Headquarters, Texas is located in the city of Houston. The company has 54,000 employees in more than 120 countries. History
Baker Hughes in today's form has formed by the merger of many service companies. The history of the company begins at the beginning of the 20th century. For the entire existence of Baker Hughes, companies as Brown Oil Tools, CTC, Edeco, Elder Oil Tools joined; Milchem and NewPark, Exlog, Eastman Christensen and Drilex, Teleco, Tri-State and Wilson, Aquaness, Chemline and Petrolite, Western Atlas, BJ Services, Panametrics.
History The Hughes Tool Company
The Hughes Tool Company was founded by Walter Benon Sharp and Howard Hughes in 1908, when the founders of the company developed a ball -shaped drill Doloto. 2 secret tests were carried out. The first failed, but the second was successful. Already in 1909, the inventors received a patent for their invention. In the same year in Houston, the companions founded Sharp-Hughes Tool Company. After the death of Walter Sharp in 1912, Hughes acquires his share, after which the company is renamed Hughes Tool Company (1915).