SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Magnetic materials with high hesitivity values are needed to achieve low-profile conformal broadband magnetodielectric antennas with significantly enhanced efficiency in HF-UHF. The higher the hesitivity, the higher the attainable efficiency in these magnetodielectric antennas. State of the art hesitivity as high as 6×10^6 O/m has been reported in CoZrNb alloy films. Further hesitivity improvement by 10× over state of the art is required for magnetic films on ultra-thin carrier substrates for higher antennas efficiencies. The principal investigators (PIs) have developed a new theory for hesitivity and found that hesitivity is linearly proportional to saturation magnetization and inversely proportional to the Gilbert damping constant, which are both well-known magnetic material parameters. The PIs have demonstrated new magnetic films with >10× higher hesitivities (5~10×10^7 O/m) over state of the art hesitivity values in Phase I Base Period. The PIs have also demonstrated on high hesitivity magnetic films deposited on ultra-thin mica substrate and ultra-thin SiO2 carrier films. New magnetodielectric antenna designs have also been designed to show enhanced gain with these demonstrated high hesitivity magnetic materials, which will be deomonstrated in Phase II with high hesitivity magnetic materials, and made available in the market together with high hesitivity magnetic materials.