Japanese novel series
"Vampire Hunter D" (Kyūketsuki Hantā Dī) is a series of novels authored by Hideyuki Kikuchi, with illustrations by Yoshitaka Amano. The series falls under multiple genres, including science fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, science fantasy, fantasy, and drama. The first publication date for the series was January 1, 1983.
An animated film adaptation of "Vampire Hunter D" was directed by Toyoo Ashida and first released on December 21, 1985. The film features the voice talents of key people such as Keiko Toda, Seizō Katō, Kaneto Shiozawa, and Michie Tomizawa. The film's music was composed by Tetsuya Komuro.
"Vampire Hunter D" has been compared to and competed with other creative works in the animation, anime, and manga industries, such as "Bio Hunter", "Bride of Deimos", "Sweet Blue Flowers", "Love and Lies (manga)", "Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance", "Wicked City", "Blood: The Last Vampire", "The Castle of Cagliostro", "Akira (manga)", "Judge (manga)", and "Kuzu no Honkai". The series and its adaptations have originated from Japan.
Japanese novel series