SBIR/STTR Award attributes
UtopiaCompression Corporation (UC) in collaboration with Surface Warfare Officers School (SWOS, San Diego and Newport) will develop a next-generation training effectiveness measurement (TEM-v2) software that can be deployed by SWOS instructors/course managers to track skill proficiency of their students across candidate courses. The software which contains UC’s novel dynamic Bayesian network models can be invoked to track multiple skills of interest depending on computer-based training content. The primary goal of Phase II Base is to develop a walk-through interface that allows course managers/instructors to deploy these models independent of UC team members for their respective courses. We will be testing the efficacy of the interface on two candidate courses selected specifically for Phase II Base. In Phase II Option, the interface will be tested on two additional candidate courses whetted by SWOS. The goal of Phase II Option is primarily to observe the convergence of DBN model parameters updated using an online learning method over multiple classes and development of an instructor dashboard. The developed dashboard can be viewed from instructor’s console to monitor real-time inferencing of our underlying software. The effort will conclude with final delivery of the walk-through interface with TEM-v2 software and instructor’s dashboard software to SWOS.