A software suite for enabling viewing and manipulation of multiple categories of aggregated data compiled from a plurality of data sources and accessible through a single interfacing node operated on a data-packet-network is provided. A bill-payment module is provided within the software suite and comprises, an interactive main interface accessible from the module for listing the bills due and payment accounts, an interactive history link embedded in the main interface for providing access to a secondary interface for viewing bill history, an interactive set-up link embedded in the main interface for providing access to a secondary interface for configuring recurring payments, an interactive transfer-funds link embedded in the main interface for providing access to a secondary interface for enabling automated transfer of funds between registered accounts, an interactive calendar link embedded in the main interface for providing access to a secondary interface for viewing calendar data, a plurality of interactive drop-down menus, each menu associated with a listed bill, the menus providing upon invocation a plurality of selectable, interactive options for treating the listed bill and an interactive refresh-all link embedded in the main interface for enabling selective or complete data refreshing of data displayed in the interface. A user operating the main interface from a remote node having access to the data-packet-network may view all aggregated bills and initiate treatment of such bills according to selected interactive options. The treatment is ordered by the operating user and performed by proxy by a service entity hosting the interface.