SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The DOD faces significant challenges as it replenishes its satellite constellations and is confronted with growing threats in space which may require very different satellite architectures and acquisition strategies. Trident is proposing to develop, implement and demonstrate a Multi-Mission Architecture and Framework (MMAF) suitable for single-chip, adaptable radio platforms such as the Zynq® UltraScale+™ RF System On Chip (RFSoC) to be used as a building block for tactically relevant small-satellite payloads. An architecture, based around hardware abstraction, as well as a framework, based around modularity, will be presented in the early phases of the research. Integral to this development are mission specific considerations related to new architectures (massively parallel operation) and acquisition strategies (low C-SWaP). Trident will implement and apply the resulting framework to both COTS and custom space-capable hardware, integrating tactically relevant RF modalities for characterization and demonstration purposes. As a launching point, a tactical communications waveform and Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) modality will be implemented and demonstrated as part of an on-orbit LEO demonstration. Through this work, we will materially advance the capability of single-chip, adaptable radio platforms to the point that numerous new mission sets are possible for DOD satellite programs as well as other commercial applications.