Academic Paper attributes
Unsupervised representation learning aims at finding methods that learn representations from data without annotation-based signals. Abstaining from annotations not only leads to economic benefits but may - and to some extent already does - result in advantages regarding the representations structure, robustness, and generalizability to different tasks. In the long run, unsupervised methods are expected to surpass their supervised counterparts due to the reduction of human intervention and the inherently more general setup that does not bias the optimization towards an objective originating from specific annotation-based signals. While major advantages of unsupervised representation learning have been recently observed in natural language processing, supervised methods still dominate in vision domains for most tasks. In this dissertation, we contribute to the field of unsupervised (visual) representation learning from three perspectives: (i) Learning representations: We design unsupervised, backpropagation-free Convolutional Self-Organizing Neural Networks (CSNNs) that utilize self-organization- and Hebbian-based learning rules to learn convolutional kernels and masks to achieve deeper backpropagation-free models. (ii) Evaluating representations: We build upon the widely used (non-)linear evaluation protocol to define pretext- and target-objective-independent metrics for measuring and investigating the objective function mismatch between various unsupervised pretext tasks and target tasks. (iii) Transferring representations: We contribute CARLANE, the first 3-way sim-to-real domain adaptation benchmark for 2D lane detection, and a method based on prototypical self-supervised learning. Finally, we contribute a content-consistent unpaired image-to-image translation method that utilizes masks, global and local discriminators, and similarity sampling to mitigate content inconsistencies.