Tokyo Babylon, also known as Tokyo Babylon: A Save Tokyo City Story and Tokyo BABYLON, is a manga series authored by the manga artists Clamp, including Mokona, Satsuki Igarashi, Nanase Ohkawa, and Tsubaki Nekoi. The series was first published on July 8, 1990 and discontinued on February 27, 1993. The manga is set in Japan and falls under various genres, including yaoi, dark fantasy, occult detective fiction, and horror fiction.
Tokyo Babylon has been adapted into an anime titled Tokyo Babylon/1999 - The Movie, which was directed by Koichi Chigira and George Iida, and had its music composed by Toshiyuki Honda and Kuniaki Haishima. The anime was launched on October 21, 1992 and licensed by U.S. Manga Corp and Manga Entertainment.
The manga has been published in Japan by Shinshokan, South, and Wings (company). It has also been published by Dark Horse Comics outside Japan. Tokyo Babylon operates in the manga, anime, and shōjo manga industries.
Among its competitors in the manga industry are King of Thorn, Gate 7, Otome Yōkai Zakuro, Silver Spoon (manga), Children of the Whales, Billy Bat, and Master Keaton.