SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Texas Research Institute Austin (TRI Austin) has developed an initial design concept for a moderate spectral resolution spectrometer (MSRS) that addresses the performance requirements stated in the solicitation. The design is based on successful spectrometers that are currently used on large aperture telescopes. The basic concept uses a telescope mounted optical unit to transmit the target star’s photometric data through a beamsplitter fiber feed to separate spectrometers with one spectrometer accepting the optical beam and one accepting the near-infrared (NIR) beam. Once the details of the application and the relative priorities of requirements are established, they can be flowed down to a comprehensive set of technical requirements that will drive a preliminary design phase. A detailed design can be completed in the Phase I Option effort. The design development effort includes defining and developing the network interface between the MSRS and the existing data system for the Navy telescopes. The software for the MSRS will be compatible and integrated with the current Navy software. At the completion of the Phase I effort, a fully defined MSRS component for Navy telescopes will be available to manufacture. TRI Austin has the tools to optimize the opto-mechanical, thermal design, network interface, and software integration for a fully compatible MSRS design.