SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Improvements are needed in composite repair materials used on U.S. Navy aircraft. The current pre-preg reinforcements require subambient storage which increases costs and can limit the ability to perform repairs at some depot or field locations. These pre-pregs, which are typically B-staged epoxies, require processing via an autoclave or Double Vacuum Debulk (DVD) procedure. These types of processes are cumbersome and also increase down times and the cost of repairs. To overcome these challenges a new anaerobic matrix resin technology will be utilized that was recently developed by TRI-Austin. This system can deliver a prepreg material with extended room-temperature shelf-stability, and processability using single vacuum bag procedure, with modest cure temperature requirements. Shelf-stability, resin rheology, and cure kinetics will be determined, and carbon fiber laminates will be fabricated to confirm composite mechanical properties. Resin cost analysis and estimates for continued raw material availability will also be established. TRI/Austin brings experience in the field of composite repair and resin development. The development team also includes two companies, one that specializes in composite repair technology, and the second is a leading manufacturer of vertical flight aircraft for commercial and military customers.