Take My Muffin is the 1st animated series that is co-created by the crypto community and a professional animation studio Toonbox!
Take My Muffin is an animated series for adults developed by the Toonbox studios and aimed to be broadcasted on YouTube for free.
The series chronicles the misadventures of amnesic Unicorn Korney — who discovers he has the superpower to generate billion-dollar startup ideas. To get his memory back, Korney must strike a deal with three-eyed business-cat Rok — who surely has his ulterior motives, about which poor Korney is clueless.
Take My Muffin was financed by the crypto-community from the very beginning and was the very first crypto-funded animated series. The plot of Take My Muffin entwines a variety of modern tech elements, including decentralized finance (DeFi) and other blockchain-based solutions.