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100% community-oriented fundraising platform for Binance Smart Chain
Designed by the people, for the people — not for centralized teams owned by establishment suits and VCs, or simply for the rich to get richer.
Innovation for bootstrapped projects has been grinding to a halt on the Ethereum blockchain. Exorbitant gas fees has nearly caused new project launches to stall and existing projects to lose user engagement — staking, claiming, and normal trades are costing ETH users hundreds in transaction fees.
And this trend will likely continue.
But innovation cannot be stopped. Over the past several months, developers have sought lower-cost options to deploy their experiments. The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has become the go-to platform for new product launches based on Solidity, and for existing projects looking to stay alive.
BSC launchpads today are too bureaucratic — they require KYC and a manual selection process that is a reminder of the old barriers that have traditionally kept new innovation only accessible to the rich.
We believe communities are an important contributor to addressing many of the worlds problems. We believe, that given the correct tools, communities can come together and take matters into their own hands.
That is why we have developed BSCstarter — it is a community-governed launchpad for raising capital for BSC projects, that isn’t filled with government red tape and KYC rules. Instead, it is the BSCstarter community that will determine which projects to list. It is the BSCstarter community that uses their collective due diligence and DYOR skills to vote Yes or No on projects coming through BSCstarter looking for funds.
Let us filter through the messy landscape where rugs overshadow the great potential of our growing ecosystem on BSC.
Join the first community-oriented network for raising capital that will quickly become the go-to place to find the next high quality gems who are looking for an affordable place to call home for their smart contracts..