SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The Navy increased Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities with new Radio Frequency (RF) monitoring and digital technologies that expanded the capacity to detect, resolve, classify, and identify interest signals. The challenge is the new technologies, combined with the legacy assets, resulted in increased stress levels and fatigue due to the workload responsibilities placed on the already overtaxed EW Console Operator (EWCO). Additionally, there was a decrease in workload situational awareness for the Electronic Warfare Supervisor (EWS). A solution is required to increase workload demand awareness and to prioritize and disburse the workshare. Leveraging SimVentions’ expertise in Modeling and Simulation (M&S), EW operations, information technology, Human System Integration (HSI), human performance measurements, and Naval combat system architecture, we propose developing an innovative workload technology solution to effectively analyze, organize, prioritize, and share task information. To achieve this capability, SimVentions will employ human performance methods and techniques to develop a technology that monitors and balances workload within the EW team.