SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Naval vessels utilizing the AEGIS Combat System (ACS) contains 15 decentralized enclosures for hardware components. The upgrade, replacement, or expansion of ACS components requires the requalification of associated enclosures which may take months to years. During this time the components may become outdated causing additional delays for implementing the latest technology. The ShockTech team proposes the Internally Isolated Structurally Integrated Enclosure System (IISIES) be used to centralize all ACS enclosures into one without the need to requalify upgrades, replacements, or expansions of ACS components. IISIES is a rugged structure, featuring resiliently mounted EIA-310 frames with a bay and module architecture. Each of the bays allow for localized shock and vibration isolation through the incorporation of ShockTech Arch Mounts®. The modules allow for flexibility to add necessary accessories for advance ACS component requirements including cooling and EMI shielding, to name a couple. The modules can be easily removed, swapped, or replaced within the enclosure without disturbances to the other modules’ mechanical and/or electrical interfaces, to the housing enclosure, and to the IISIES bay. IISIES will eliminate the need for requalification of the enclosure when upgrading, replacing or expanding ACS components and reduces the time for incorporating the latest technology.