Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
SafeBlast works by taking a 10% fee on every transaction. This is divided into two parts - REWARDS and LIQUDITY. The REWARDS is a 5% transaction fee, which is distributed to every wallet that holds SafeBlast on a percentage basis. The more SafeBlast you hold, the more rewards you will receive. The “DEAD” (Burn) wallet, receives the most percentage to burn. The second part is LP GENERATION, which is often referred to as Liquidity. This part get 5% transaction fee and deposited back into PancakeSwap liquidity pool, which is also LOCKED FOR 5 YEARS (2026). These two functions work together to reward holders and punish dumpers. The LP generation function acts as an amzing risk mitigation tool because it helps to keep the market liquid. It also keeps the liquidity pool balanced, which in turn keep the price balanced.