Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines, SZTZS
SZTZS is the only enterprise in Russia and the CIS countries that produces equipment for processing precision bevel and hypoid gears, which has not only a modern production base and unique technological equipment, but also a great intellectual potential.
In October 1934, the Labor and Defense Council considered the construction of a plant for heavy gear cutting machines.
At the beginning of 1936, the Glavstankoinstrument commission arrived in Saratov, which spoke in favor of building a machine-tool plant in the city of Saratov. The main arguments were: the presence of personnel in the metalworking industry in Saratov, the existing railway and waterways connecting Saratov with a number of important centers of mechanical engineering, the presence of two power plants in the city, which made it possible to fully provide the plant with electricity.
In 1939, the construction of the plant began, but was suspended due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War and resumed again in 1946.
In 1947, on the areas of the model and foundry workshops of the plant under construction, temporarily adapted for a mechanical assembly shop, the first domestic gear-cutting semiautomatic device was manufactured - model 5A26 for cutting spur bevel gears with a maximum diameter of up to 500 mm and with a maximum modulus of up to 8 mm. This event marked the birth of the Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines, which is currently the largest enterprise in the world for the production of gear processing equipment for bevel gears.Within 3 years, the plant won a worthy place in the market, becoming a competitor to the American company Gleason, which until 1950 was a monopoly in this area. Machine tools with the brand of the plant were supplied to 65 countries of the world.
April 5, 1949 on the basis of the plant was organized by the Special Design Bureau of Gear Machines (SKBZS). Since its inception, it has grown into a major design research center for the design, development and implementation in the national economy of machine tools and tools for processing bevel and hypoid gears. SKBZS completed more than 70 research projects, designed more than 250 models of machine tools. The inventions of SKBZS workers, incorporated in the design of machine tools, are patented in six industrialized countries.
Since 1971, the enterprise has begun to develop machine tools of a more complex design. From the moment of commissioning to the present, the enterprise has mastered the production of more than 60 models of gear-cutting machines.
Before the collapse of the USSR, the distribution of manufacturing enterprises according to the range of manufactured gear-cutting equipment was as follows:
Vitebsk machine-tool plant "VISTAN" produced gear hobbing machines in the range from 200 to 400 mm;
Egorievsk Machine Tool Plant "Komsomolets" - produced gear hobbing and gear shaping machines in the range from 250 to 1250 mm;
The Klinsk Machine Tool Plant manufactured gear shaping machines in the range from 800 to 2240 mm;
Kolomna Heavy Machine Tool Plant - gear hobbing machines in the range from 2000 to 12500 mm.
Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines - machines for the production of bevel gears in the range from 320 to 1600 mm;
Korsun-Shevchenkovsky machine-tool plant named after B. Khmelnitsky - specialized in the production of gear shaping machines with a size of workpieces up to 250 mm;
Our days
Since 2003, the company has switched to the production of CNC gear-cutting machines. These machines make it possible to produce high-precision bevel and hypoid gears with a circular tooth according to the 5th degree of accuracy and spur bevel gears according to the 6th degree of accuracy according to GOST 1758-81.
The plant has mastered a new direction - the production of CNC machines for the manufacture of cylindrical gears with a diameter of up to 1250 mm, a module of 16 mm.
The delivery of each unit of gear processing equipment is accompanied by the transfer of technology for processing parts to the technical requirements of customers.
Along with the supply of finished equipment, the Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines offers services for the manufacture of a wide range of gears for the automotive industry, shipbuilding, machine tool building and other industries in accordance with the technical requirements of the customer.
On May 20, 2009, the enterprise CJSC Heavy gear-cutting machines, CJSC TZS (TIN 6451126060 / 645101001 OGRN 1026402488287) was established due to the complete suspension of activities and the closure of the Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear-cutting Machines.
The structure of CJSC "Heavy gear-cutting machines" includes the following enterprises:
CJSC "Saratov plant of heavy gear-cutting machines" - production of gear-cutting machines
CJSC "Stanki Saratov" - production of spur and bevel gears
CJSC "Stankoshlif" - production of grinding machines
10/23/2017 Bankruptcy of CJSC TZS (TIN 6451126060 / 645101001 OGRN 1026402488287).
The arrival of a new owner - an investor represented by the group of companies EPO "Signal".
21.07.2016 The enterprise OOO Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines was founded, which was assigned TIN 6451010115, KPP 645101001, OGRN 1166451069861.
At the moment, SZTZS LLC, part of the Signal group of companies, has initiated a project to develop the plant and create on its basis a center for the development, production, modernization and repair of gear machines, as well as the production of various types of gears.
Quick reference
Saratov Plant of Heavy Gear Cutting Machines, OOO SZTS
Registered at 410036, Saratov, st. Ogorodnaya, 162, Liter Bb
Assigned TIN 6451010115, KPP 645101001, OGRN 1166451069861, OKPO 03614033
The main activity of the company is the production of metalworking machine tools
The amount of the authorized capital is 1,000,000 rubles
Director of the organization Morozov Roman Petrovich
Valid from 21.07.2016
Website address:,
Quick reference
It was registered at 410036, Saratov, st. Ogorodnaya, 162
Assigned TIN 6451126060, KPP 645101001, OGRN 1026402488287, OKPO 55362285
The main activity of the company was Manufacture of metalworking machine tools
Bankruptcy manager of the organization Kropotin Anatoly Gennadievich
Not valid, valid from 04.09.2000 to 23.10.2017
Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines
Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines
Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines
Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines
Machine tools produced by the Saratov plant of heavy gear cutting machines, SZTS
2SS1M - desktop drilling machine, Ø 6
5A26 - gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with straight teeth, Ø 610
5A250P - gear cutting machine for cutting spur bevel wheels, Ø 500
5S276P - gear cutting machine for cutting spur bevel wheels, Ø 500
5S280P - gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with circular teeth, Ø 800
526 - semi-automatic gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with straight teeth, Ø 610
528C - gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with circular teeth, Ø 800
5230 - semi-automatic gear cutting machine for cutting bevel gears with straight teeth, Ø 320
Gear cutting equipment for bevel gears with circular tooth
527VF3 - Semi-automatic gear-cutting with CNC system. Max Ø - 500 mm, Max module - 12 mm
528SF3 - Gear-cutting semiautomatic device with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 12 mm
5S280VF3 - Gear-cutting semiautomatic device with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm
5A26VF3 - Gear-cutting semiautomatic device with CNC system. Max Ø - 320 (415) mm, Max module - 10 mm
5A270VF3 - Gear-cutting semiautomatic device with CNC system. Max Ø - 500 (650) mm, Max module - 12 mm
58K70VF3 - Semi-automatic gear grinding with CNC system. Max Ø - 320 mm, Max module - 8 mm
5A872VF3 - Semi-automatic gear grinding with CNC system. Max Ø - 800 mm, Max module - 16 mm