SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The Navy has identified a need for improvements to autonomous behavior of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), specifically in the Focus Area of classification of encountered surface and subsurface vessels. System Engineering Associates Corporation (SEA CORP) proposes a tailored application of the latest developments in Electronic Warfare (EW) system design to meet this need. State-of-the-art EW systems developed for submarine and aircraft platforms utilize a Common Systems Architecture (CSA) that is composed of several government-developed hardware and software layers that are inherently reconfigurable to meet mission requirements. These EW systems are also scalable, both in terms of physical size and capability. SEA CORP intends to utilize scaled CSA hardware and software toolkits to develop an EW system for use on unmanned platforms that detects, identifies, classifies, and enables autonomous reactions to encountered vessels. SEA CORP has many years of experience in design, development, testing, and integration of CSA EW systems on surface, subsurface, airborne, and autonomous platforms. Our experience and expertise give SEA CORP a high level of confidence in the success of the proposed solution to this SBIR topic.