Clinical Study attributes
A randomized controlled trial comparing between two approaches of prescribing repetition-numbers in resistance training (RT) sessions on psychological, physiological, and performance outcomes. Sixty healthy and sedentary adults (age range: 18-45) will be randomly allocated to either the "predetermined" or "self-selected" groups. The groups will differ in the amount of choice they will be able to make concerning the resistance of each exercise and the number of repetitions they complete (see detailed description). Both groups will complete two sessions per week composed of body weight and resistance band exercises, lasting 45 minutes for eight weeks. The sessions will be delivered live by a certified instructor using a videoconferencing platform. The primary aim of this study is: Compare between the "predetermined" and the "self-selected" repetition prescription approaches on psychological, physiological, and performance outcomes in a cohort of 60 healthy and sedentary adults (age range: 18-45) over an eight-week period of live, videoconferencing RT sessions. The secondary aim is: Determine the influence of live, videoconferencing group RT sessions on psychological, physiological, and performance outcomes across groups.