SBIR/STTR Award attributes
PROJECT ABSTRACT This Phase II STTR project will develop Caduceus Quest, an interactive multimedia resource to promote knowledge and interest in careers in STEM and health. It includes a digital game and a table-top analog game. An initial prototype of the Caduceus Quest digital game was developed and tested over the course of our Phase I project. A multidisciplinary team from Resilient Games Studio LLC, Ci3 (the Center for Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Innovation in Sexual and Reproductive Health), and a robust team of advisors will expand the existing prototype into the game’s final form. The full commercial version of Caduceus Quest will consist of a theory- based, role-playing game, and accompanying analog game, in which players build teams of STEM/health professions (e.g., doctors, epidemiologists, and engineers) to solve an emerging epidemiologic mystery. These components are supplemented by an analog and digital curriculum. All elements are hosted on a learning management system for better integration in the formal and informal setting allowing for student assessment and curriculum development. The game will be evaluated through a participatory formative and outcome evaluation. A stakeholder advisory team comprised of youth ages 14-17 and another comprised of educators from a variety of disciplines will support the iterative development of the intervention. The outcome evaluation will be conducted with 120 youth ages 14-17 using surveys and focus groups. By the conclusion of the Phase II project, Caduceus Quest will be ideally positioned for commercial distribution.PROJECT NARRATIVE This project continues the development of Caduceus Quest, an interactive digital educational experience with an accompanying table-top game, curriculum, and learning management system in which players build teams of STEM/health professionals to address an emerging medical mystery. Games offer a powerful tool for engaging youth in STEM learning, facilitating positive behaviors, and promoting asset development toward holistic, long- term wellbeing. This Phase II project will bring Caduceus Quest closer to a full commercial release with the help of an interdisciplinary research team and an educator advisory group.