SBIR/STTR Award attributes
RDRTec proposes to design, develop, and demonstrate feasibility of a comprehensive suite of software tools and simulations that supports future Navy procurement and certification of non-cooperative sensor technologies for Detect And Avoid (DAA). These tools are an expansion, enhancement, and focusing of those already under developed as a part of RDRTec efforts on the ongoing Triton DAA radar development. The FAA is the certifying authority for civilian UAVs with DAA that are presented to them by developing companies. The Navy self-certifies DAA systems to operate not only in civil airspace but also in military airspace and “Due Regard” operation; however, it has the additional responsibility of effectively and efficiently procuring the system from contractors that it will be certifying after development. PMAs are responsible for procurement and TAEs are responsible for certification. DAA non-cooperative sensor certification is in its infancy. The evidence required for certification has not been completely formalized. The dilemma is that efficient cost-effective procurements require upfront understanding of certification process and evidence requirements. Tools are needed to perform analysis that connect performance to requirements within the Size Weight and Power Cooling (SWaPC) and maneuver limits of the particular UAV throughout the procurement process beginning during pre-award.