A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Rdrtec in May, 2019 for $139,391.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
RDRTec proposes to design, develop, and demonstrate feasibility and benefit of adding automatic threat and friendly radar waveform detection techniques to the Common RAdar Collision Avoidance System (C-RACAS). C-RACAS is designated the AN/ZPY-9 and is a part of the future Triton Integrated Functional Capability (IFC) 5 configuration. The C-RACAS has three C-Band Active Element Scanned Array (AESA) antenna systems that provide coverage over the forward regions of Triton (Figure 1). RDRTec is working with Azure Summit who is building both the C-RACAS radar receivers and Triton’s Multi-Int Receivers.The tight coupling of the C-RACAS radar controller with ESM processing provides a new opportunity to add spectrum compatibility between C-RACAS and friendly ground radars. Real-time sensed friendly radar parameters are used to adaptively modify C-RACAS beamsteering and waveforms so as not to interfere with vulnerable waveforms of friendly radars.