SBIR/STTR Award attributes
In Phase I, initial CONOPS and architecture analysis was performed at an unclassified level to inform the multi-static image exploitation portion of this study and to support operational viability. Additionally, the Osprey tug was electromagnetically modeled and techniques established for end-to-end generation of realistic monostatic & bistatic EM scattering for ships embedded in the ocean with motion associated with different sea states and processed by RDRTecs ISAR processor. The proposed Phase 2 effort will build on the Phase 1 effort by:1.Performing a more detailed CONOPs and architecture study that can use classified details of the candidate radars. This effort will inform the ISAR processing and Classification architectures.2.Further developed, detailed and unit test algorithms for seamless integration of bistatic and monostatic processing into MCA3.Generating additional ships RCS responses via EM modeling over large viewing angle extents for algorithm development and integration into the upgraded MCA testbed.4.Implementing an enhanced MCA testbed.5.Planning data collections in the base for collections in the option.6.Extending the MCA Testbed to process collected data and improve algorithms.