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Quinten Flannery is a director of several family companies. In this role, he oversees the strategy and trading for the investment portfolio. He has considerable experience across a range of industries. These include exports, energy production, emerging technologies, and both commercial and residential property development.
Quentin Flannery is a resident of Sydney, Australia. He holds a Bachelor of International Studies and Chinese Language from the Queensland University of Technology.
Quentin Flannery was appointed as the youngest marketing manager of Yancoal (ASX: YAL) He was promoted to Global Head of Thermal Coal Sales. He helped build Yancoal's presence in China and across Asia and was responsible for $1 billion in revenue.
As director of Ilwella Pty Ltd in Sydney, Quentin is in charge of the investment portfolio. His strategy is to diversify the portfolio and platform. He is using an entrepreneurial and progressive approach to source new opportunities and maximise shareholder return.
He also is director of Elysian Capital, a hedge fund focused on weather-based commodity trading.
Quentin is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He sits on the boards of several businesses, from early-stage start-ups to entities listed on the stock exchange. These businesses include:
- Printed Energy, a Brisbane company that develop manufacturing techniques for printing batteries and photovoltaics,
- AuMake International (ASX: AU8), which connects Australian and New Zealand brands with the Asian market through online and offline channels,
- Sunset Power International, an energy supplier to New South Wales,
- Delta Coal, a thermal coal mining company based in Sydney, and
- Field Orthopaedics, a startup based in Queensland. Quentin is the non-executive chairman of its board of directors.
Quentin is director of the Flannery Foundation, which supports Australian charities.
Quinton also is a corporate ambassador for the Australian charity Act for Kids.