Quantum Internet Alliance is a European Project working on a large-scale quantum network to develop a blueprint for a pan-European entanglement-based Quantum Internet.
Quantum Internet Alliance is a European Project working on a large-scale quantum network to develop a blueprint for a pan-European entanglement-based Quantum Internet, by developing, integrating and demonstrating all the functional hardware and software subsystems.
October 2018
QIA received €10,406,113.50 for the 3 year ramp-up phase of the European Union's Quantum Flagship.
The Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) is a European project launched in October 2018, running until September 2021. The QIA targets a blueprint for a pan-European Quantum Internet by ground-breaking technological advances, culminating in the first experimental demonstration of a fully integrated network stack running on a multi-node quantum network.
InQIA Octoberis 2018part of the European Union's Quantum InternetFlagship Alliancetinitiative. It was chosenselected as partone of the Europeanflagships Union'sinitial Quantum20 Flagshipprojects iniativeand receivingreceived €10,406,113.50 in funding.
Project Goals:
QIA is a consortium of partners from quantum research groups and high tech companies in Europe coordinated by QuTech from Delft University in the Netherlands.
European Quantum Internet Alliance - working on building a large-scale quantum network
Quantum Internet Alliance is a European Project working on a large-scale quantum network to develop a blueprint for a pan-European entanglement-based Quantum Internet, by developing, integrating and demonstrating all the functional hardware and software subsystems.
In October 2018 the Quantum Internet Alliancet was chosen as part of the European UnionEuropean Union's Quantum Flagship iniative receiving €10,406,113.50 in funding.
European Quantum Internet Alliance - working on building a large-scale quantum network
In October 2018 the Quantum Internet Alliancet was chosen as part of the European Union's Quantum Flagship iniative receiving €10,406,113.50 in funding.
Quantum Internet Alliance is a European Project working on a large-scale quantum network to develop a blueprint for a pan-European entanglement-based Quantum Internet.