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Qombs is a 3-year project developing a quantum simulator platform made of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Part of the European Union's Quantum Flagship initiative, Qombs launched in October 2018 with €9,335,635 in funding.
Qombs aims to create a quantum simulator platform made of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. The quantum platform will allow for the design and manufacture of a new generation of quantum cascade laser frequency combs. These devices will be able to perform non-classical emission modes, entanglement among the modes of the comb and parametric generation of comb patterns far from the central emission frequency.
From the fundamental science point of view, the Qombs project will demonstrate the effectiveness of atomic quantum simulators in simulating physics dynamics, characterizing real devices such as quantum cascade lasers. On the applications side, the project will provide for a substantial development of devices useful for advanced (secure) communication and high-sensitivity detection of pollutants.
The Qombs project consortium consists of 10 partners from 4 Countries, 5 research institutes and 5 companies. Project coordinator Augusto Smerzi is based at the Italian National Institute of Optics in Florence.
- Italian National Institute of Optics - National Research Council (CNR-INO), Florence, Italy.
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich, Germany.
- French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France.
- Italian Space Agency (ASI), Rome, Italy.
- Alpes Lasers SA, Saint-Blaise, Switzerland.
- ppqSense, Florence, Italy.
- IRsweep, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Menlo Systems, Munich, Germany.
- Thales, Paris, France.