Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
Executive Summary
Security tokens have the ability to alter the financial landscape, unlocking trillions of dollars in asset value
and investment, programmably automating operations, and driving new paths to liquidity. For Polymath, the
Ethereum blockchain has been an excellent starting point for security tokens, but is missing foundational
elements that issuers and investors need, and that institutions and regulators require. After having enabled
the creation of 150+ tokens, our research and experience has shown that institutions need a blockchain
built from the ground up with the specific requirements of securities regulations in mind.
Polymath addresses this need with Polymesh, an enterprise-grade blockchain built for security tokens.
The foundations of Polymesh are focused on the most crucial regulatory elements, addressed by four
key design principles meant to meet the demands of regulators and institutions, while unlocking the true
potential of security tokens:
1. Confidentiality - protecting information and ownership privacy while providing a mechanism for
accurate reporting and auditing.
2. Identity - ensuring that no individual or entity can create, acquire, or sell security tokens without a
validated identity. Securities regulation requires issuers, in certain instances (i.e. issuances under
exemptions), to know the identity or confirm the profile of their investors prior to investment, and
continuously monitor their suitability throughout their investment. Additionally, all Validators must
be known, regulated entities.
3. Governance - providing an operating and governance structure for how Polymesh is managed that
allows for curation, and protects assets from contentious forks during network upgrades. This includes
providing an established method for addressing and actioning proposals.
4. Compliance - providing financial primitives and smart extensions to manage security tokens across
one or more jurisdictions and enforce appropriate rules for creating, issuing, and trading security tokens
while also providing the capacity to manage necessary complex restrictions and distributions on-chain.
Polymesh will use the Nominated Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism with the finality gadget GRANDPA,
and be supported by POLYX, the native protocol token. With Polymesh, Validators stake POLYX on the
network and run authoring nodes, Nominators stake POLYX on Validators, and both are rewarded or fined
by the network based on blocks being added to the chain and fulfillment of their roles. All POLY tokens
currently existing on Ethereum will be able to be upgraded to POLYX at a 1:1 ratio.
Structured in this way, we believe Polymesh will fill the gap between security token technology and the needs
of issuers, investors, institutions, and regulators.
This document is for informational purposes only and does not create any obligations whatsoever on Polymath.
This document is a summary of certain Polymath product development plans and the information contained
herein is selective and forward-looking subject to update, expansion, revision, or amendment. Due to various
risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to, technological developments and industry conditions, the
actual performance and development of items described herein may differ materially from those reflected
or contemplated herein. Polymath does not accept any obligation to provide recipients with any additional
information, or to update, expand, revise or amend the information herein, or to correct any inaccuracies which
may become apparent. Although all information and views expressed herein were obtained from good faith
estimates and assumptions made by Polymath management, no representation or warranty, express or implied,
is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information herein, and no assurance is provided that actual
results will be consistent with the descriptions and projections herein.
This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, POLY or POLYX, nor
does it amount to a commitment by Polymath to make such an offer or solicitation at present or an indication
of Polymath’s willingness to make such an offer or solicitation in the future. This document is not a prospectus
and does not constitute or form any part of any offer or invitation to subscribe for, underwrite or purchase
POLY or POLYX, nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied upon, in any way, in connection
with any decision relating to POLY or POLYX. This document is not, and should not be construed as, legal
or financial advice. Recipients should conduct their own investigation and analysis of the information
contained herein and are advised to seek professional advice relating to the legal, financial, taxation,
technological, and other implications of matters herein.
Polymath disclaims any and all liability relating to any information contained in this document.
1.0 Introduction
Security tokens are financial securities created using blockchain technology. Like traditional
securities, they represent ownership interests in assets (equity, debt, real estate, etc.), but
being created digitally (tokenized) allows them to unlock the power of the blockchain with
enhanced features. Security tokens introduce benefits to the market like efficiency through
automated operations, increased global liquidity pools, and the creation of new and unique
financial assets.
The Ethereum blockchain has been the most widely used blockchain to create, issue, and
manage security tokens. Ethereum creates unstoppable applications through smart contracts
that efficiently manage regulatory rules embedded in an issuer’s security token to unlock nontraditional assets and improve liquidity. For Polymath, the choice to utilize and launch our initial
platform on Ethereum was an obvious one—a credible and secure foundational infrastructure
gave us the opportunity to validate the viability of the security token market.
However, our experience on a general-purpose blockchain has helped us understand that
Ethereum lacks key elements which, if not included, would hamper industry and institutional
acceptance of security tokens. For instance:
• Identity is an after-thought, running counter to the core principles of Ethereum: pseudonymity
and decentralization. This creates legal and compliance challenges for issuers and investors,
such as entities in sanctioned countries running nodes to write to the blockchain.
• Confidentiality is not preserved, with positions, trades, and amounts being publicly visible.
• Governance presents significant risk and complexity to issuers due to hard forks during upgrades.
• Compliance is challenged when necessary security token functionality is hindered by
transaction limitations.
With a dedicated, domain-specific blockchain built specifically with security tokens in mind,
these elements can be included from the ground up. This will improve usability and optimize
the consensus mechanism, driving adoption and recognition for the security token industry.
2.0 Architecture
2.1 Financial Primitives
General-purpose blockchains typically have few primitives, that is, features built at the core of the
blockchain. Instead, elements including security tokens and their associated ownership, transfer,
and other restrictions, are implemented as smart contracts on top of the blockchain resulting in
scalability and performance challenges. However with Polymesh, financial primitives are built into
the foundation of the chain. Polymesh financial primitives allow users to operate the blockchain
with low predetermined costs while allowing third-party developers to deploy innovative
decentralized applications (dApps) on top of the chain.
2.1.1 Regulated Assets
Regulated assets are the cornerstone of Polymesh. We use our industry-leading expertise
that drove Polymath’s leadership in the creation of the ERC1400 standard to help balance the
challenges of open, transparent, and accessible global systems with jurisdictional compliance.
2.1.2 Identity
Identity is critical to every action with regulated securities. In order to present a flexible, global
system of identity, we’ve made it core to the functioning of Polymesh; all actions on the chain are
mediated through an identity, rather than through a simple public key like most public blockchains.
Identities are both universal (i.e. can be accessed throughout Polymesh) and permissioned—
they collect a set of claims or attestations issued by network-approved or issuer-specific
authorities about the owner of the identity. These claims can then be used to manage asset
ownership, transfer, and other restrictions, as well as the operation of the blockchain’s
underlying consensus mechanism.
Each identity has a single administration key, which can be used to add or remove signing keys
from the identity. Signing keys can be used to execute actions through the identity, and also to
deliver granular roles and permissions for identities and associated functionality within Polymesh.
As a member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation, as well as a participant in various
standardization bodies, our approach to identity reflects these collaborations.
2.1.3 Record Keeping
The Polymesh blockchain captures all primary and secondary transfers of security tokens,
allowing ownership data about those security tokens to be trustlessly captured on-chain while
reducing information asymmetry between the issuer and tokenholders. Polymesh records
exchanges of issued security tokens in a number of forms, from atomic settlement on-chain,
to payment receipts from off-chain, third-party service providers.
2.1.4 Capital Distribution
Many assets have a cash flow associated with them. Polymesh allows issuers to distribute such
cash flows by capturing ownership distribution data at fixed points in time. Issuers can determine
the recipients of the distribution based on their identity or other criteria. They can use Smart
Extensions (see Section 2.3) to perform complex calculations, determine the amounts to be
distributed, distribute on-chain using digital assets such as stablecoins (see Section 2.1.6),
distribute off-chain using payment receipts, or distribute through a combination of on-chain and
off-chain transactions.
2.1.5 Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance on Polymesh allows issuers to leverage the power of the public blockchain
to combine transparency with techniques that allow tokenholders to vote on an issuer’s corporate
actions with privacy, while mitigating incentives to manipulate voting.
2.1.6 Stablecoins
In addition to security tokens, Polymesh supports stablecoins to facilitate activity on-chain such
as cash distributions at a fraction of traditional costs. Stablecoins on Polymesh can be pegged to
any currency and issued by adequately licensed and capitalized third-parties.
2.2 Economics
Polymath extensively researched and consulted with leading economic, game theory, and operational
process experts to establish the token economy for Polymesh with the goal of delivering utility,
security, and sustainability for the chain. The core of this economy is the native protocol token that
fuels Polymesh, POLYX, which both secures and operates the blockchain. Any transaction or use of
smart contracts on Polymesh is paid for in POLYX.
2.2.1 Enabling Economy
The consensus mechanism on Polymesh is Nominated Proof-of-Stake. Validators and
Nominators work together to power Polymesh’s enabling economy by staking within the network
and acting according to the consensus rules. Participants receive rewards for successful validation
of blocks to Polymesh. Validators and Nominators are not responsible for ensuring the compliance
of a transaction, only that the transaction has been properly completed in accordance with
protocol rules.1
Validators run authoring nodes that keep the blockchain secure and operational at all times.
On Polymesh, Validators are permissioned entities, regulated in their respective jurisdictions.
They earn block rewards as blocks are produced and finalized and may be penalized in the form
of fines (slashing) for malicious, dormant, or incorrect activity. Prospective Validators may
submit their application to the Economic Committee for review and approval. (See more on
Governance in Section 5.0).
Nominators select and stake Validators as a signal of trust. Their stake is distributed across
their selected Validators using an algorithm that aims to evenly distribute all staked POLYX.2
Any verified POLYX holder can become a Nominator. If the nominated Validators perform to
protocol rules, the Validator and Nominator receive block rewards. Similarly, Nominators may
be slashed based on a nominated Validator’s improper activity.
Block Rewards are shared equally by all Validators that abide by the protocol rules. Validators
keep a fixed percentage of the rewards with the rest being distributed to their Nominators on a
pro-rata basis per their stake in the Validator.
Bonding Period is the amount of time POLYX is locked following a Validator or Nominator
withdrawal request. Once requested, staked POLYX will unlock after the bonding period lapses.
The bonding period may change through the governance process.
Nominated Proof-of-Stake offers deterministic finality that can be instantly trusted. Validators
vote on the blocks generated, and once more than two-thirds of Validators have voted in favor
of a block, it is finalized. A shared characteristic of blockchains is that every new block contains
details of all the previous blocks and if a block is finalized, all its previous blocks are finalized as
well. This characteristic allows finalizing a batch of blocks in one vote rather than having to vote
on every block. Batching allows the chain to remain live and scalable with guaranteed finality
within seconds rather than minutes.3
2.2.2 Internal Economy
The internal economy of Polymesh is driven by the objective to provide absolute finality,
incentivize correct production of blocks, and build a sustainable and secure network.
Polymesh’s Network Reserve is funded from three sources: a one-time transfer from Polymath’s
reserve currently held on Ethereum; protocol usage fees (e.g. configuration of security tokens);
and network transaction fees. POLYX is distributed from the Network Reserve based on the
governance process that will likely evolve as Polymesh matures. Requests to disburse funds
from the Network Reserve will be managed initially by the Polymesh Governing Council and may
eventually be governed by POLYX tokenholders depending on the decisions of the Governing
Council. Network Reserve Funds will be used for purposes such as grants and subsidies to
developers and to grow the Polymesh ecosystem.
Polymath’s ERC20 protocol token, POLY, has a total supply of 1 billion tokens. We assume the
majority of POLY will be converted to POLYX. The overall supply of POLYX over time will not be
fixed, nor will it be subject to a predetermined upper limit. The supply of POLYX will increase
in order to fund block rewards. The block reward mechanism will be designed so a sufficient
proportion of POLYX at any point in time will be bonded to support the Proof-of-Stake consensus
mechanism that underpins Polymesh. Block rewards will also be funded through network fees in
addition to minting new POLYX.