SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Polaris Sensor has developed a non-pyrotechnic system that may be used as a countermeasure to protect perimeters and structures from breech without the requirement of complex, heavy or expensive machinery.This modular system is implemented as a fixture or integrated into throwables or drones. These modules can be deployed together or in sequence to immobilize and delay a crowd of bad actors threatening to breech a parameter. CoolSmoke® is a chemical matrix that can be manufactured with a range of malodorant/irritant additives for a crowd diverting effect. This design focuses on capsaicin (a strong irritant) and garlic oil (a maloderant) that have been dissolved and lofted in the CoolSmoke® aerosol.To address the risk of fire from dangerous fusing, we developed this material to be electrically initiated at a low temperature. In particular, SpicySmoke® (CoolSmoke® + capsaicin) offers a combined least lethal chemical obscurant and lachrymator, producing situational confusion and immobilization for bad actors. CoolSmoke® + Garlic Oil could be used as a warning to prevent more aggressive actions. This chemistry base formulation is nontoxic. It is well suited for use among civilians in urban and indoor environments where bystanders are often present.The raw material is like caulk, it does not need to be packaged and can literally be dispensed around entrances and doorways, to provide a last line of defense against a threat.The raw material is undamaged by weather, and can be initiated in water.