SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The objective of this Phase II SBIR contract and subsequent Phase III effort is to develop and commercialize acompleteautonomous drone based system for moving microplatesand similar lab consumableswithin HighThroughput ScreeningHTSlaboratoriessupplementing and perhaps eventually replacing robotic arms whichcurrently perform HTS autonomous processing of samplesThis innovative application of smallautonomous dronesto HTS facilities would provide the speedaccuracy and reliability of robotic arms without the associated cost prohibitive safety requirementslimited work envelope and operationrepair expertise required by existing roboticinfrastructureThis system will utilize PSI s own COTS advanced drone technologyin conjunction with a new gripperpayload that will be designedconstructed and tested through Phase III of this RandD effortIn the Phase Ia payloadfeasibility prototype was successfully demonstrated as a microplate transfer mechanism from point A to point B This Phase II contract will focus on demonstrating aspects of laboratory autonomy through software developments prototype refinementsand construction of supplementary automation hardwareThe ultimate outcome of this contractwill be novel products that increase HTS throughput capabilitiesand enhance the economic viability of HTS at smallgovernment and academic research labsthereby enhancing public health