SBIR/STTR Award attributes
To address the Navy need for a coherent suite of algorithms that extend, enhance, and optimize the performance of the Next Generation Surface Search Radar (NGSSR) by exploiting the software-defined architecture of the radar, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop Software Controlled Adaptive Radar Functions (SCARF). SCARF is an innovative design that includes many technological components recently developed at POC. SCARF is adaptive, as it has awareness of its radio frequency (RF) environment, and adjusts the exciter waveform to enhance radar performance and utility. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate SCARF’s feasibility by designing and modeling the dynamic feedback loop between the exciter and receiver. SCARF will maintain compatibility with the basic radar functions of the NGSSR and facilitate easy updates. In Phase II, SCARF will reach technology readiness level (TRL)-5 and be ready for initial testing for potential transition to the NGSSR program. Deliverables in Phase II will include SCARF executable software, synthesized firmware code, corresponding interface and operation support documentation, and the radar simulation software.. The successful completion of this project at the end of Phase III will benefit the nation in both government and commercial sectors in future radar systems that operate in spectrum crowded environments.