Car model manufactured by peugeot
Peugeot 307 is a company with the status of being active . It is located in Rueil-Malmaison and was founded by Armand Peugeot . The CEO of the company is Linda Jackson , and the organization operates under the motto "Motion and Emotion" . Peugeot 307 is a part of Peugeot Motor Company PLC .
Peugeot 307's main competitors include Audi , BMW , Ferrari , Lamborghini , Lexus , Porsche , Seat , Toyota , HAVAL , and Fiat Automobiles .
Peugeot 307 is a company with the status of being active . It is located in Rueil-Malmaison and was founded by Armand Peugeot . The CEO of the company is Linda Jackson , and the organization operates under the motto "Motion and Emotion" . Peugeot 307 is a part of Peugeot Motor Company PLC .
Peugeot 307's main competitors include Audi , BMW , Ferrari , Lamborghini , Lexus , Porsche , Seat , Toyota , HAVAL , and Fiat Automobiles .