SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Under Phase I, Peregrine successfully demonstrated that a passively cooled, corrosion resistant, and high reliability Jet Blast Deflectors (JBD) can be fabricated for aircraft carrier applications. This Phase II proposal takes an analytical approach anchored with empirical results to yield a passive JBD with induced draft (air) cooling. Phase I utilized Multi-Layer Metal Insulation (MLMI) technology with induced draft features to yield a passively cooled JBD. This new passive JBD utilizes seawater corrosion resistant titanium materials to produce a high performance, low maintenance, and high reliability system without the need for active seawater cooling. The Phase I design is predicated upon a MLMI approach with induced draft channels to passively cool exhaust thermal loads received by the facesheet of a JBD and consistently perform under numerous and repetitive launches while allowing rollover and providing the structural integrity and high reliability required for aircraft carrier JBDs. The Phase II design is a MLMI design with induced draft channels. The combination of heat resistant materials, an insulative MLMI design with innovative induced draft features, and an exterior surface design/coating that provides not only a non-skid surface, but also provides heat reflectance and further insulation provides a passively cooled JBD.