A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Progeny Systems in July, 2019 for $1,499,066.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Navy.
The capability to plan for, locate and attack time-critical and time-sensitive targets in a multi-weapon engagement scenario is needed. Ideally, this capability would include the ability to conduct real-time dynamic planning and re-planning, differentiate between different target types, optimize selected resources and weapons to minimize kill chain timelines, and enhance targeting accuracy to eliminate collateral damage. Progeny Systems Corporation, partnered with Monterey Technologies Incorporated (MTI), is proposing to expand a revolutionary capability called the Multi-Asset Mission Planning and Execution Monitoring (MAPEM) System for use by Airwing Planners, Maritime Operations Center (MOC) Personnel, Composite Warfare Commander (CWC) Planners and watch standers. This unique planning service and visualization tool allows combat aircrew to visualize time critical attack plan and track plan status vs. execution. The expansion is based on the incorporation of NAVAIR’s Next Generation Threat System (NGTS), a robust mission simulation and rehearsal system, as a data feed into EMP. The data includes computer-generated intelligent threats representing blue and red aircraft, ground and surface platforms as well as their corresponding weapons and subsystems. This rich set of information will provide EMP and its users with unparalleled Situational Awareness (SA) for advanced mission planning efforts.