A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Physical Sciences in January, 2023 for $1,504,715.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and Missile Defense Agency.
Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) will leverage its extensive experience in infrared scene projector (IRSP) design and harsh environmental operability to create a hybrid, foveated, radiation hardened IRSP (RH-IRSP). This design allows long-life, low-maintenance, modular and field-upgradable operation of conventional optical components inside a pressure, thermal and radiation environment similar to that of low Earth orbit. A modular configuration of the RH-IRSP is planned, allowing simulation of a variety of scenarios. The Phase I effort, achieving TRL3, focused on demonstration of the ability to integrate PSI’s IRSP technology with a radiation-mitigating vessel capable of operating in Torr environment. After analytical and experimental validation of the technique, conceptual designs for a Phase II testbed and future full-capability RH-IRSP’s were developed. In Phase II, a testbed demonstrating all critical technologies in cryogenic vacuum environment and high radiation fields will achieve TRL 6. The Phase II will culminate with a RH-IRSP design meeting key performance parameters and interface requirements of a relevant near-future MDA test bed. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11340 (16 Dec 22)