SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) will leverage its extensive experience in infrared scene projector (IRSP) design and harsh environmental operability to create a hybrid, foveated, radiation hardened IRSP (RH-IRSP). This design allows long-life, low-maintenance, modular and field-upgradable operation of conventional optical components inside a pressure, thermal and radiation environment similar to that of low Earth orbit. A modular configuration of the RH-IRSP is planned, allowing simulation of a variety of scenarios. The Phase I effort, achieving TRL3, focused on demonstration of the ability to integrate PSI’s IRSP technology with a radiation-mitigating vessel capable of operating in Torr environment. After analytical and experimental validation of the technique, conceptual designs for a Phase II testbed and future full-capability RH-IRSP’s were developed. In Phase II, a testbed demonstrating all critical technologies in cryogenic vacuum environment and high radiation fields will achieve TRL 6. The Phase II will culminate with a RH-IRSP design meeting key performance parameters and interface requirements of a relevant near-future MDA test bed. Approved for Public Release | 22-MDA-11340 (16 Dec 22)