Branch of physics
Optics is an industry based in Brunswick, Ohio , with a DUNS number of 046629424 . The company is situated at 2936 Westway Drive, Brunswick, OH 44212, United States . It operates within the field of quantum optics , a sub-industry of photonics . Yukon Optics is the product parent company affiliated with Optics .
Optics has secured a total funding amount of 3,000,000 USD , with its most recent funding taking place on February 1, 2019 . The latest funding was a Series A round .
Optics is an industry based in Brunswick, Ohio , with a DUNS number of 046629424 . The company is situated at 2936 Westway Drive, Brunswick, OH 44212, United States . It operates within the field of quantum optics , a sub-industry of photonics . Yukon Optics is the product parent company affiliated with Optics .
Optics has secured a total funding amount of 3,000,000 USD , with its most recent funding taking place on February 1, 2019 . The latest funding was a Series A round .
Branch of physics