A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to Obsidian Sensors, Inc. in April, 2022 for $987,258.0 USD from the National Science Foundation.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will develop and launch a new, commercially viable terahertz (THz) imaging technology initially targeted at medical imaging applications.The prototype instrument uses THz reflective imaging phenomenology, a technique that has been shown to efficiently discriminate between healthy and diseased tissues. With a resolution of more than 300x300 pixels, operation at between 10-30 frames per second, and a compact form factor, the system is appropriate for medical environments such as cancer surgeries, including glioblastoma resection.The THz camera will be a new addition to the medical imaging market that has matured with x-ray, MRI, visible and infrared technologies to reach $45 billion. This new instrument is enabled by a large format sensor array that uses a low-cost manufacturing process already implemented in a high-volume foundry. In addition to the medical application, similar imaging systems can be used in security screening applications ($2 billion market/year) such as passenger screening at airports.More broadly, the underlying sensor technology can be adapted for use across the extremely wide THz spectrum, which has implications for many industries.The intellectual merit of this project is primarily its integration of both high resolution and high-speed aspects of THz imaging, as these capabilities have not yet been demonstrated in a commercially viable form. Previous demonstrations have either involved slow scanning systems that preclude real time applications or cameras that target much higher bands of the THz spectrum. The latter restriction stems from an inability to manufacture arrays of large pixels to image at the longer THz wavelengths.Going beyond one of a kind laboratory proof of concept experiments, the THz camera seeks to provide resolution and frame update rates that are relevant to actual applications. The commercial manufacturing viability of the sensing element may ensure that applications beyond the initial medical market will be practical.The camera will feature not only the high-resolution THz imaging near the 250-350 GHz spectrum but also incorporate high-resolution visible and near-infrared cameras that can complement the THz video, with trials being planned for hospital usage.In addition to clinical usage scenarios, the imaging system can be adapted for use in airport security and other screening applications, as portability and ease of use will guide the demonstration system design.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.